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2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
Given a non-empty string s and a dictionary wordDict containing a list of
non-empty words, determine if s can be segmented into a space-separated sequence
of one or more dictionary words.
The same word in the dictionary may be reused multiple times in the
segmentation. You may assume the dictionary does not contain duplicate words.
Example 1:
Input: s = "leetcode", wordDict = ["leet", "code"]
Output: true
Explanation: Return true because "leetcode" can be segmented as "leet code".
Example 2:
Input: s = "applepenapple", wordDict = ["apple", "pen"]
Output: true
Explanation: Return true because "applepenapple" can be segmented as "apple pen
apple". Note that you are allowed to reuse a dictionary word. Example 3:
Input: s = "catsandog", wordDict = ["cats", "dog", "sand", "and", "cat"]
Output: false
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
#include <climits>
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <unordered_set>
#include <vector>
2020-10-14 13:08:22 +08:00
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::unordered_set;
using std::vector;
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
* @brief Solution class
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
class Solution {
* @brief Function that checks if the string passed in param is present in
* the the unordered_set passed
* @param str the string to be searched
* @param strSet unordered set of string, that is to be looked into
* @returns true if str is present in strSet
bool exists(const string &str, const unordered_set<string> &strSet) {
return strSet.find(str) != strSet.end();
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
* @brief Function that checks if the string passed in param can be
* segmented from position 'pos', and then correctly go on to segment the
* rest of the string correctly as well to reach a solution
* @param s the complete string to be segmented
* @param strSet unordered set of string, that is to be used as the
* reference dictionary
* @param pos the index value at which we will segment string and test
* further if it is correctly segmented at pos
* @param dp the vector to memoize solution for each position
* @returns bool, true if str is present in strSet
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
bool check(const string &s, const unordered_set<string> &strSet, int pos,
vector<int> *dp) {
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
if (pos == s.length()) {
// if we have reached till the end of the string, means we have
// segmented throughout correctly hence we have a solution, thus
// returning true
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
return true;
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
if (dp->at(pos) != INT_MAX) {
// if dp[pos] is not INT_MAX, means we must have saved a solution
// for the position pos; then return if the solution at pos is true
// or not
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
return dp->at(pos) == 1;
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
string wordTillNow =
""; // string to save the prefixes of word till different positons
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
for (int i = pos; i < s.length(); i++) {
// Loop starting from pos to end, to check valid set of
// segmentations if any
wordTillNow +=
string(1, s[i]); // storing the prefix till the position i
// if the prefix till current position is present in the dictionary
// and the remaining substring can also be segmented legally, then
// set solution at position pos in the memo, and return true
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
if (exists(wordTillNow, strSet) and check(s, strSet, i + 1, dp)) {
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
dp->at(pos) = 1;
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
return true;
// if function has still not returned, then there must be no legal
// segmentation possible after segmenting at pos
dp->at(pos) = 0; // so set solution at pos as false
return false; // and return no solution at position pos
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
* @brief Function that checks if the string passed in param can be
* segmented into the strings present in the vector.
* In others words, it checks if any permutation of strings in
* the vector can be concatenated to form the final string.
* @param s the complete string to be segmented
* @param wordDict a vector of words to be used as dictionary to look into
* @returns bool, true if s can be
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
bool wordBreak(const string &s, const vector<string> &wordDict) {
// unordered set to store words in the dictionary for contant time
// search
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
unordered_set<string> strSet;
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
for (const auto &s : wordDict) {
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
// a vector to be used for memoization, whose value at index i will
// tell if the string s can be segmented (correctly) at position i.
// initializing it with INT_MAX (which will denote no solution)
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
vector<int> dp(s.length(), INT_MAX);
// calling check method with position = 0, to check from left
// from where can be start segmenting the complete string in correct
// manner
2020-10-14 13:15:12 +08:00
return check(s, strSet, 0, &dp);
2020-10-14 12:52:55 +08:00
2020-10-14 13:08:22 +08:00
* @brief Main function
* @returns 0 on exit
2020-10-14 13:08:22 +08:00
int main() {
// the complete string
2020-10-14 13:08:22 +08:00
const string s = "applepenapple";
// the dictionary to be used
2020-10-14 13:08:22 +08:00
const vector<string> wordDict = {"apple", "pen"};
// should return true, as applepenapple can be segmented as apple + pen +
// apple
2020-10-14 13:08:22 +08:00
cout << Solution().wordBreak(s, wordDict) << endl;