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## Backtracking
* [Graph Coloring](
* [Knight Tour](
* [Minimax](
* [N Queens](
* [Rat Maze](
* [Sudoku Solve](
## Computer Oriented Statistical Methods
* [Bisection Method](
* [Gaussian Elimination](
* [Newton Raphson](
* [Secant Method](
* [False-Position](
* [Successive Approximation](
## Data Structure
* [Avltree](
* [Binary Search Tree](
* [Binaryheap](
* [Doubly Linked List](
* [Linked List](
* [List Array](
* [Morrisinorder](
* [Queue Using Array](
* [Queue Using Linked List](
* [Stack Using Array](
* [Stack Using Linked List](
* [Tree](
* [Circular Queue Using Linked List](
* [Linkedlist Implentation Usingarray](
2019-12-19 17:37:52 +08:00
* [Trie Tree](
## Dynamic Programming
* [0-1 Knapsack](
* [Bellman-Ford](
* [Catalan-Numbers](
* [Coin-Change](
* [Cut Rod](
* [Edit Distance](
* [Egg-Dropping-Puzzle](
* [Fibonacci Bottom Up](
* [Fibonacci Top Down](
* [Floyd-Warshall](
* [Longest Common Subsequence](
* [Longest Increasing Subsequence (Nlogn)](
* [Longest Increasing Subsequence](
* [Matrix-Chain-Multiplication](
2019-12-11 20:24:02 +08:00
* [Armstrong Number](
* [Kadane](
* [Longest Common String](
## Graph
* [Bfs](
* [Dfs](
* [Dfs With Stack](
* [Dijkstra](
* [Kruskal](
* [Topological-Sort](
* [Kosaraju](
* [Lca](
## Greedy Algorithms
* [Dijkstra](
* [Knapsack](
* [Kruskals Minimum Spanning Tree](
* [Prims Minimum Spanning Tree](
* [Huffman](
## Hashing
* [Chaining](
2019-12-21 16:17:30 +08:00
* [Double Hash Hash Table](
* [Linear Probing Hash Table](
* [Quadratic Probing Hash Table](
## Math
* [Factorial](
* [Greatest Common Divisor](
* [Power For Huge Numbers](
* [Prime Factorization](
* [Prime Numbers](
2019-12-07 15:33:45 +08:00
* [Primes Up To 10^8](^8.cpp)
* [Sieve Of Eratosthenes](
## Operations On Datastructures
* [Array Left Rotation](
* [Array Right Rotation](
* [Circular Linked List](
* [Circular Queue Using Array](
* [Intersection Of 2 Arrays](
* [Reverse A Linked List Using Recusion](
* [Union Of 2 Arrays](
* [Selectionsortlinkedlist](
## Others
* [Buzz Number](
* [Decimal To Binary](
* [Decimal To Hexadecimal ](
* [Decimal To Roman Numeral](
* [Gcd Of N Numbers](
* [Palindromeofnumber](
* [Paranthesis Matching](
* [Primality Test](
* [Sparse Matrix](
* [Strassen Matrix Multiplication](
* [String Fibonacci](
* [Tower Of Hanoi](
* [Fibonacci](
* [Happy Number](
* [Matrix Exponentiation](
* [Pascal Triangle](
* [Sieve Of Eratosthenes](
* [Smallest-Circle](
* [Spiral Print](
* [Vector Important Functions](
## Range Queries
* [Fenwicktree](
* [Mo](
* [Bit](
* [Segtree](
## Search
* [Binary Search](
* [Interpolation Search](
* [Linear Search](
* [Exponential Search](
2019-12-18 00:19:12 +08:00
* [Hash Search](
* [Median Search](
* [Searching](
* [Ternary Search](
## Sorting
* [Beadsort](
* [Bitonicsort](
* [Bubble Sort](
* [Cocktailselectionsort](
* [Countingsortstring](
* [Counting Sort](
* [Insertion Sort](
* [Merge Sort](
* [Numericstringsort](
* [Oddeven Sort](
* [Quick Sort](
* [Radix Sort](
* [Selection Sort](
* [Shell Sort](
* [Slow Sort](
* [Tim Sort](
* [Bucketsort](
* [Combsort](
2019-12-16 20:21:36 +08:00
* [Heap Sort](
## Strings
* [Knuth Morris Pratt](