#include using namespace std; //node defined class node { public: int data; node* link; node(int d) { data = d; link = NULL; } }; //printing the linked list void print(node* head) { node* current = head; while (current != NULL) { cout << current->data << " "; current = current-> link; } cout << endl; } //creating the linked list with 'n' nodes node* createlist(int n) { node* head = NULL; node* t = NULL; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { node* temp = NULL; int num; cin >> num; temp = new node(num); if (head == NULL) { head = temp; t = temp; continue; } if (t->link == NULL) t->link = temp; t = temp; } return head; } //performing selection sort on the linked list in an iterative manner void my_selection_sort_linked_list(node* &head) { node* min = head; //throughout the algorithm 'min' is used to denote the node with min value out of all the nodes left for scanning //while scanning if we find a node 'X' with value lesser than min, //then we update the pointers in such a way that 'X' becomes the predecessor of 'min' node* current = min->link; // 'current' refers to the current node we are scanning node* previous = min; //'previous' refers to the node that is previous to the current node node* temp = NULL; // 'temp' in this algo is used to point to the last node of the sorted part of the linked list. //eg. If at any time instance the state of the linked list is suppose 1->2->5->3->8->NULL //then, we see that "1->2" is the sorted part of the LL, and therefore temp will be pointing to the last node of the sorted part,i.e,'2' //We keep on arranging the Linked list in such a way that after each iteration the node with 'min' value is placed at its correct position. //Eg. Let suppose initially we have 5->4->1->3->2->NULL //After 1st iteration : 1->4->5->3->2->NULL and so on while (min->link != NULL) //so that all the nodes are scanned or until there exists a node { //pick the first node from the unsorted part and assume that it is the minimum and then start scanning from the next node while (current != NULL) //suppose you choose the min node to be X, then scan starts from the (X+1)th node until its NULL. current = (X+1)th node and min = X { if (current->data < min->data) //if the current node is smaller than the presumed node 'min' { if (temp == NULL) //temp stays null for the first iteration, therefore it symbolizes that we are scanning for the first time { if (previous == min) //if the 'previous' is pointing to the 'min' node { //Update the pointers head = current; //update the head pointer with the current node min->link = current->link; current->link = previous; min = current; current = previous->link; } else //if the 'previous' is not pointing to the 'min' node { //Update the pointers head = current; //update the head pointer with the current node previous->link = current->link; current->link = min; min = current; current = previous->link; } } else //if 'temp' is not NULL, i.e., its not the 1st iteration { temp->link = current; previous->link = current->link; current->link = min; min = current; current = previous->link; } } else //if the current node is greater than min, just move the previous and the current pointer a step further { previous = previous->link; current = current->link; } } //update the pointers. Set 'temp' to the last node in the sorted part. Make 'min' move a step further so that 'min' points to the 1st node of the unsorted part //start the iteration again temp = min; min = min->link; previous = min; current = min->link; } } // Test cases: // enter the no. of nodes : 5 // 8 9 3 1 4 // original list is : 8 9 3 1 4 // sorted list is : 1 3 4 8 9 // enter the no. of nodes : 3 // -1 -2 -3 // original list is : -1 -2 -3 // sorted list is : -3 -2 -1 // enter the no. of nodes : 8 // 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 // original list is : 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 // sorted list is : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 // enter the no. of nodes : 6 // 5 3 4 1 -2 -4 // original list is : 5 3 4 1 -2 -4 // sorted list is : -4 -2 1 3 4 5 int main() { node* head = NULL; int n; cout << "enter the no. of nodes : "; //taking input from user about the number of nodes in linked list cin >> n; if (n == 0) return 0; head = createlist(n); //creating the list cout << "original list is : "; print(head); //printing the original linked list my_selection_sort_linked_list(head); //applying selection sort cout << "sorted list is : "; print(head); //printing the sorted linked list return 0; }