/** * @file * @brief This Programme Converts a given decimal number in the range [0,4000) * to both Lower case and Upper case Roman Numeral */ #include #include #include #include /** This functions fills a string with character c, n times and returns it * @note This can probably be replace by `memcpy` function. */ std::string fill(char c, int n) { std::string s = ""; while (n--) s += c; return s; } /** to convert to lowercase Roman Numeral * the function works recursively */ std::string tolowerRoman(int n) { if (n < 4) return fill('i', n); if (n < 6) return fill('i', 5 - n) + "v"; if (n < 9) return std::string("v") + fill('i', n - 5); if (n < 11) return fill('i', 10 - n) + "x"; if (n < 40) return fill('x', n / 10) + tolowerRoman(n % 10); if (n < 60) return fill('x', 5 - n / 10) + 'l' + tolowerRoman(n % 10); if (n < 90) return std::string("l") + fill('x', n / 10 - 5) + tolowerRoman(n % 10); if (n < 110) return fill('x', 10 - n / 10) + "c" + tolowerRoman(n % 10); if (n < 400) return fill('c', n / 100) + tolowerRoman(n % 100); if (n < 600) return fill('c', 5 - n / 100) + 'd' + tolowerRoman(n % 100); if (n < 900) return std::string("d") + fill('c', n / 100 - 5) + tolowerRoman(n % 100); if (n < 1100) return fill('c', 10 - n / 100) + "m" + tolowerRoman(n % 100); if (n < 4000) return fill('m', n / 1000) + tolowerRoman(n % 1000); return "?"; } /** to convert to uppercase Roman Numeral * the function works recursively */ std::string toupperRoman(int n) { if (n < 4) return fill('I', n); if (n < 6) return fill('I', 5 - n) + "V"; if (n < 9) return std::string("V") + fill('I', n - 5); if (n < 11) return fill('I', 10 - n) + "X"; if (n < 40) return fill('X', n / 10) + toupperRoman(n % 10); if (n < 60) return fill('X', 5 - n / 10) + 'L' + toupperRoman(n % 10); if (n < 90) return std::string("L") + fill('X', n / 10 - 5) + toupperRoman(n % 10); if (n < 110) return fill('X', 10 - n / 10) + "C" + toupperRoman(n % 10); if (n < 400) return fill('C', n / 100) + toupperRoman(n % 100); if (n < 600) return fill('C', 5 - n / 100) + 'D' + toupperRoman(n % 100); if (n < 900) return std::string("D") + fill('C', n / 100 - 5) + toupperRoman(n % 100); if (n < 1100) return fill('C', 10 - n / 100) + "M" + toupperRoman(n % 100); if (n < 4000) return fill('M', n / 1000) + toupperRoman(n % 1000); return "?"; } /** main function */ int main() { int n; std::cout << "\t\tRoman numbers converter\n\n"; std::cout << "Type in decimal number between 0 up to 4000 (exclusive): "; std::cin >> n; std::cout << n << " in Upper Roman Numerals is " << toupperRoman(n) << "\n"; std::cout << n << " in Lower Roman Numerals is " << tolowerRoman(n) << "\n"; return 0; }