#include struct node { int val; node *next; }; node *start; void insert(int x) { node *t = start; if (start != NULL) { while (t->next != NULL) { t = t->next; } node *n = new node; t->next = n; n->val = x; n->next = NULL; } else { node *n = new node; n->val = x; n->next = NULL; start = n; } } void remove(int x) { if (start == NULL) { std::cout << "\nLinked List is empty\n"; return; } else if (start->val == x) { node *temp = start; start = start->next; delete temp; return; } node *temp = start, *parent = start; while (temp != NULL && temp->val != x) { parent = temp; temp = temp->next; } if (temp == NULL) { std::cout << std::endl << x << " not found in list\n"; return; } parent->next = temp->next; delete temp; } void search(int x) { node *t = start; int found = 0; while (t != NULL) { if (t->val == x) { std::cout << "\nFound"; found = 1; break; } t = t->next; } if (found == 0) { std::cout << "\nNot Found"; } } void show() { node *t = start; while (t != NULL) { std::cout << t->val << "\t"; t = t->next; } } void reverse() { node *first = start; if (first != NULL) { node *second = first->next; while (second != NULL) { node *tem = second->next; second->next = first; first = second; second = tem; } start->next = NULL; start = first; } else { std::cout << "\nEmpty list"; } } int main() { int choice, x; do { std::cout << "\n1. Insert"; std::cout << "\n2. Delete"; std::cout << "\n3. Search"; std::cout << "\n4. Print"; std::cout << "\n5. Reverse"; std::cout << "\n0. Exit"; std::cout << "\n\nEnter you choice : "; std::cin >> choice; switch (choice) { case 1: std::cout << "\nEnter the element to be inserted : "; std::cin >> x; insert(x); break; case 2: std::cout << "\nEnter the element to be removed : "; std::cin >> x; remove(x); break; case 3: std::cout << "\nEnter the element to be searched : "; std::cin >> x; search(x); break; case 4: show(); std::cout << "\n"; break; case 5: std::cout << "The reversed list: \n"; reverse(); show(); std::cout << "\n"; break; } } while (choice != 0); return 0; }