#include using namespace std; Multiply(int A[][], int B[][], int n) { if (n==2) { int p1= (a[0][0] + a[1][1])*(b[0][0]+b[1][1]); int p2= (a[1][0]+a[1][1])*b[0][0]; int p3= a[0][0]*(b[0][1]-b[1][1]); int p4= a[1][1]*(b[1][0]-b[0][0]); int p5= (a[0][0]+a[0][1])*b[1][1]; int p6= (a[1][0]-a[0][0])*(b[0][0]+b[0][1]); int p7= (a[0][1]-a[1][1])*(b[1][0]+b[1][1]); int c[n][n]; c[0][0]=p1+p4-p5+p7; c[0][1]=p3+p5; c[1][0]=p2+p4; c[1][1]=p1-p2+p3+p6; return c[][]; } else { } } int main() { int p,q,r,s; cout<<"Enter the dimensions of Matrices"; cin>>n; int A[n][n],; int B[n][n],; cout<<"Enter the elements of Matrix A"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j >A[i][j]; } } cout<<"Enter the elements of Matrix B"; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { for (int j = 0; j >B[i][j]; } } Multiply(A, B, n); return 0; }