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synced 2023-10-11 13:05:55 +08:00
copied the file from C-Plus-Plus/Decimal to Roman Numeral.cpp to C-Plus-Plus/Others/ directory to facilitate organizing.
69 lines
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69 lines
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//This Programme Converts a given decimal number in the range [0,4000)
//to both Lower case and Upper case Roman Numeral
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
//This functions fills a string with character c, n times and returns it
string fill( char c, int n )
string s;
while( n-- ) s += c;
return s;
//to convert to lowercase Roman Numeral
string tolowerRoman( int n )
if( n < 4 ) return fill( 'i', n );
if( n < 6 ) return fill( 'i', 5 - n ) + "v";
if( n < 9 ) return string( "v" ) + fill( 'i', n - 5 );
if( n < 11 ) return fill( 'i', 10 - n ) + "x";
if( n < 40 ) return fill( 'x', n / 10 ) + tolowerRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 60 ) return fill( 'x', 5 - n / 10 ) + 'l' + tolowerRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 90 ) return string( "l" ) + fill( 'x', n / 10 - 5 ) + tolowerRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 110 ) return fill( 'x', 10 - n / 10 ) + "c" + tolowerRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 400 ) return fill( 'c', n / 100 ) + tolowerRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 600 ) return fill( 'c', 5 - n / 100 ) + 'd' + tolowerRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 900 ) return string( "d" ) + fill( 'c', n / 100 - 5 ) + tolowerRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 1100 ) return fill( 'c', 10 - n / 100 ) + "m" + tolowerRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 4000 ) return fill( 'm', n / 1000 ) + tolowerRoman( n % 1000 );
return "?";
//to convert to uppercase Roman Numeral
string toupperRoman( int n )
if( n < 4 ) return fill( 'I', n );
if( n < 6 ) return fill( 'I', 5 - n ) + "V";
if( n < 9 ) return string( "V" ) + fill( 'I', n - 5 );
if( n < 11 ) return fill( 'I', 10 - n ) + "X";
if( n < 40 ) return fill( 'X', n / 10 ) + toupperRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 60 ) return fill( 'X', 5 - n / 10 ) + 'L' + toupperRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 90 ) return string( "L" ) + fill( 'X', n / 10 - 5 ) + toupperRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 110 ) return fill( 'X', 10 - n / 10 ) + "C" + toupperRoman( n % 10 );
if( n < 400 ) return fill( 'C', n / 100 ) + toupperRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 600 ) return fill( 'C', 5 - n / 100 ) + 'D' + toupperRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 900 ) return string( "D" ) + fill( 'C', n / 100 - 5 ) + toupperRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 1100 ) return fill( 'C', 10 - n / 100 ) + "M" + toupperRoman( n % 100 );
if( n < 4000 ) return fill( 'M', n / 1000 ) + toupperRoman( n % 1000 );
return "?";
//main function
int main()
int n;
cin >> n;
cout << n << " in Upper Roman Numerals is " << toupperRoman(n) << "\n";
cout << n << " in Lower Roman Numerals is " << tolowerRoman(n) << "\n";
return 0;