<area shape="rect" id="Node000001" title="test function to predict points in a 3D coordinate system lying within the sphere of radius 1 and cen..." alt="" coords="5,107,56,132"/>
<area shape="rect" id="Node000002" href="$da/d2a/group__adaline.html#gaa52120912e32d2893fe1c6d78da5befd" title="Update the weights of the model using supervised learning for an array of vectors." alt="" coords="116,5,196,31"/>
<area shape="rect" id="Node000004" href="$da/d2a/group__adaline.html#gac70b578aee679005fd336073969c3d94" title="predict the output of the model for given set of features" alt="" coords="465,57,574,83"/>
<area shape="rect" id="Node000006" href="$da/d2a/group__adaline.html#gadb1a7acb555ad62daaf3806bf2fed036" title="Operator to print the weights of the model." alt="" coords="256,56,417,82"/>
<area shape="rect" id="Node000003" href="$da/d2a/group__adaline.html#ga20d3642e0a87f36fdb7bf91b023cd166" title="Update the weights of the model using supervised learning for one feature vector." alt="" coords="272,7,401,32"/>