2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
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2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<title > test</title>
<!-- Node1 -->
<g id= "node1" class= "node" >
<title > Node1</title>
<g id= "a_node1" > <a xlink:title= "Test RMQ Testing Segment tree using Range Minimum Queries." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<polygon fill= "#999999" stroke= "#666666" points= "32.5,-111.25 0,-111.25 0,-92 32.5,-92 32.5,-111.25" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "16.25" y= "-97.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > test</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node2 -->
<g id= "node2" class= "node" >
<title > Node2</title>
<g id= "a_node2" > <a xlink:href= "../../da/da0/segment__tree_8c.html#a93bfab032ce9dbc0c1feaeee32a885fb" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Utility for test A function compare for minimum between two integers This function is used as combine..." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "125.62" y= "-190.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > minimum</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node2 -->
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<title > Node1- > Node2</title>
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node3 -->
<g id= "node3" class= "node" >
<title > Node3</title>
<g id= "a_node3" > <a xlink:href= "../../da/da0/segment__tree_8c.html#aae59daf9a0dc33f8cbc7a525a616ee75" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Builds a Segment tree It is assumed that leaves of tree already contains data." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "#666666" points= "176,-167.25 75.25,-167.25 75.25,-148 176,-148 176,-167.25" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "125.62" y= "-153.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > segment_tree_build</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node3 -->
<g id= "edge2" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node3</title>
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node4 -->
<g id= "node4" class= "node" >
<title > Node4</title>
<g id= "a_node4" > <a xlink:href= "../../da/da0/segment__tree_8c.html#af20a9f373083d3f701e1cd92560cef01" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Dispose Segment Tree Frees all heap memory accquired by segment tree." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "#666666" points= "182.75,-130.25 68.5,-130.25 68.5,-111 182.75,-111 182.75,-130.25" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "125.62" y= "-116.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > segment_tree_dispose</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node4 -->
<g id= "edge3" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node4</title>
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node5 -->
<g id= "node5" class= "node" >
<title > Node5</title>
2021-10-26 03:34:27 +08:00
<g id= "a_node5" > <a xlink:href= "../../da/da0/segment__tree_8c.html#a3513a2b7c3f1d15aa3d019af1f834cde" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Initializes Segment Tree Accquires memory for segment tree and fill the leaves of segment tree with d..." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "#666666" points= "172.25,-93.25 79,-93.25 79,-74 172.25,-74 172.25,-93.25" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "125.62" y= "-79.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > segment_tree_init</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node5 -->
<g id= "edge4" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node5</title>
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node7 -->
<g id= "node7" class= "node" >
<title > Node7</title>
<g id= "a_node7" > <a xlink:href= "../../da/da0/segment__tree_8c.html#af61bd96660cb53f49f28d60a5f1d0c91" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Query the segment tree This function helps in range query of segment tree This function assumes that ..." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "#666666" points= "177.88,-56.25 73.38,-56.25 73.38,-37 177.88,-37 177.88,-56.25" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "125.62" y= "-42.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > segment_tree_query</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node7 -->
<g id= "edge6" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node7</title>
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node8 -->
<g id= "node8" class= "node" >
<title > Node8</title>
<g id= "a_node8" > <a xlink:href= "../../da/da0/segment__tree_8c.html#a1e81a9bbf01716f1b4fb27ef36a9098c" target= "_top" xlink:title= "For point updates This function updates the element at given index and also updates segment tree acco..." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "#666666" points= "180.5,-19.25 70.75,-19.25 70.75,0 180.5,0 180.5,-19.25" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "125.62" y= "-5.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > segment_tree_update</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node8 -->
<g id= "edge7" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node8</title>
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "#63b8ff" d= "M21.53,-91.68C28.85,-75.82 45.27,-44.84 68.5,-27.62 69.97,-26.54 71.51,-25.51 73.1,-24.55" />
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node6 -->
<g id= "node6" class= "node" >
<title > Node6</title>
<g id= "a_node6" > <a xlink:href= "../../dd/d93/client_8c.html#ac17020a38607ab29ce18939d5194a32a" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Continuous loop to send and receive over the socket." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "#666666" points= "253.5,-93.25 218.75,-93.25 218.75,-74 253.5,-74 253.5,-93.25" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "236.12" y= "-79.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > func</text>
2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00
<!-- Node5->Node6 -->
<g id= "edge5" class= "edge" >
<title > Node5- > Node6</title>
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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2020-09-10 00:54:50 +08:00