<area shape="rect" id="node1" title="test function to predict points in a 2D coordinate system above the line  as +1 and others as -1." alt="" coords="5,107,56,133"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node3" href="$dd/d8c/adaline__learning_8c.html#a355fda53c238a0c0c07f03dcc021caed" title="Update the weights of the model using supervised learning for an array of vectors." alt="" coords="137,56,176,83"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node5" href="$dd/d8c/adaline__learning_8c.html#a4db1ba00a7f282100ea31a94e32bd7a3" title="predict the output of the model for given set of features" alt="" coords="420,107,481,133"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node7" href="$dd/d8c/adaline__learning_8c.html#a00dc6134ca22a12e0fd9cac54d601c2d" title="Operator to print the weights of the model." alt="" coords="257,107,372,133"/>
<area shape="rect" id="node4" href="$dd/d8c/adaline__learning_8c.html#afa953e811eaae199d121a7ddb619d604" title="Update the weights of the model using supervised learning for one feature vector." alt="" coords="273,56,356,83"/>