2021-10-26 03:34:27 +08:00
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<title > main</title>
<!-- Node1 -->
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<title > Node1</title>
<g id= "a_node1" > <a xlink:title= "main function" >
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<!-- Node2 -->
<g id= "node2" class= "node" >
<title > Node2</title>
<g id= "a_node2" > <a xlink:href= "../../d4/d68/qr__decompose_8h.html#a90562ce8c3707401e9c5809dece68d6a" target= "_top" xlink:title= "function to display matrix on stdout" >
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<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "112.88" y= "-97.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > print_matrix</text>
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<title > Node1- > Node2</title>
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<!-- Node3 -->
<g id= "node3" class= "node" >
<title > Node3</title>
<g id= "a_node3" > <a xlink:href= "../../d4/d68/qr__decompose_8h.html#a45c7640d9d22c89c11beb1f567843c56" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Decompose matrix  using Gram-Schmidt process." >
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<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "112.88" y= "-60.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > qr_decompose</text>
2021-10-26 03:34:27 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node3 -->
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<title > Node1- > Node3</title>
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<!-- Node4 -->
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<title > Node4</title>
<g id= "a_node4" > <a xlink:href= "../../d4/d68/qr__decompose_8h.html#a3a584b79941a43d775f9d4ce446dbe05" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Compute dot product of two vectors of equal lengths." >
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<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "322.62" y= "-79.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > vector_dot</text>
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<!-- Node3->Node4 -->
<g id= "edge3" class= "edge" >
<title > Node3- > Node4</title>
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<!-- Node5 -->
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<title > Node5</title>
<g id= "a_node5" > <a xlink:href= "../../d4/d68/qr__decompose_8h.html#abeec1f78a7a7e7251687e75340331212" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Compute magnitude of vector." >
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<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "222.25" y= "-79.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > vector_mag</text>
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<!-- Node3->Node5 -->
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<title > Node3- > Node5</title>
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<!-- Node6 -->
<g id= "node6" class= "node" >
<title > Node6</title>
<g id= "a_node6" > <a xlink:href= "../../d4/d68/qr__decompose_8h.html#a2ed4977f38642dca8b10c16a823c740b" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Compute projection of vector  on  defined as." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "222.25" y= "-42.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > vector_proj</text>
2021-10-26 03:34:27 +08:00
<!-- Node3->Node6 -->
<g id= "edge6" class= "edge" >
<title > Node3- > Node6</title>
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<!-- Node7 -->
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<title > Node7</title>
<g id= "a_node7" > <a xlink:href= "../../d4/d68/qr__decompose_8h.html#a5ee39e7c8fce8a604dcf7009ce101c02" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Compute vector subtraction." >
2023-04-28 03:43:13 +08:00
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<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "222.25" y= "-5.75" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > vector_sub</text>
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<!-- Node3->Node7 -->
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<title > Node3- > Node7</title>
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<!-- Node5->Node4 -->
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<title > Node5- > Node4</title>
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<!-- Node6->Node4 -->
<g id= "edge7" class= "edge" >
<title > Node6- > Node4</title>
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