2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
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2022-06-08 02:13:03 +08:00
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2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Title: main Pages: 1 -->
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
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<title > main</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
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2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1 -->
<g id= "node1" class= "node" >
<title > Node1</title>
<g id= "a_node1" > <a xlink:title= "Main function." >
<polygon fill= "#bfbfbf" stroke= "black" points= "0,-152.5 0,-171.5 38,-171.5 38,-152.5 0,-152.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "19" y= "-159.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > main</text>
<!-- Node2 -->
<g id= "node2" class= "node" >
<title > Node2</title>
<g id= "a_node2" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#ab6e31f8df36de67ff967859069ccfc56" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function calculateScore Responsible for calculating the score obtained during the game." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "84,-304.5 84,-323.5 165,-323.5 165,-304.5 84,-304.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "124.5" y= "-311.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > calculateScore</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node2 -->
<g id= "edge1" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node2</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M21.29,-171.83C24.97,-196.08 37.71,-259.4 74,-295 75.6,-296.57 77.35,-298.02 79.19,-299.34" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "77.43,-302.36 87.82,-304.44 80.99,-296.34 77.43,-302.36" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node3 -->
<g id= "node3" class= "node" >
<title > Node3</title>
<g id= "a_node3" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a59224afd73372b4f52415203e315f6e1" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function canShoot Responsible to verify that it is a valid position to shoot." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "95.5,-266.5 95.5,-285.5 153.5,-285.5 153.5,-266.5 95.5,-266.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "124.5" y= "-273.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > canShoot</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node3 -->
<g id= "edge2" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node3</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M22.96,-171.5C29.3,-190.38 45.95,-232.88 74,-257 77.65,-260.14 81.87,-262.78 86.27,-265.01" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "84.9,-268.23 95.46,-269.02 87.69,-261.81 84.9,-268.23" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node4 -->
<g id= "node4" class= "node" >
<title > Node4</title>
<g id= "a_node4" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a3f7d3dc5931fba6164e73057859094d9" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function positionBoat Responsible for placing the boats on the board, according to the size." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "89,-228.5 89,-247.5 160,-247.5 160,-228.5 89,-228.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "124.5" y= "-235.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > positionBoat</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node4 -->
<g id= "edge3" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node4</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M28.4,-171.78C38.41,-183.01 56.07,-201.49 74,-214 79.24,-217.66 85.13,-221.04 90.96,-224.05" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "89.46,-227.21 99.99,-228.44 92.53,-220.92 89.46,-227.21" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node6 -->
<g id= "node6" class= "node" >
<title > Node6</title>
<g id= "a_node6" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a7c5042bd35c4186b06ae28f06635b40e" target= "_top" xlink:title= "for Standard Input Output" >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "211,-190.5 211,-209.5 323,-209.5 323,-190.5 211,-190.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "267" y= "-197.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > validEntryLineColumn</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node6 -->
<g id= "edge13" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node6</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M38.09,-164.79C71.93,-170.02 146.34,-181.52 200.97,-189.95" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "200.5,-193.42 210.92,-191.49 201.57,-186.51 200.5,-193.42" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node7 -->
<g id= "node7" class= "node" >
<title > Node7</title>
<g id= "a_node7" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a521043b369238e618dcc9364b40448ef" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function printMessage Responsible for printing the auxiliary message." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "229.5,-114.5 229.5,-133.5 304.5,-133.5 304.5,-114.5 229.5,-114.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "267" y= "-121.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > printMessage</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node7 -->
<g id= "edge6" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node7</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M38.21,-160.27C67.24,-157.39 125.78,-151.14 175,-143 189.48,-140.61 205.15,-137.51 219.35,-134.52" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "220.34,-137.89 229.38,-132.38 218.87,-131.05 220.34,-137.89" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node8 -->
<g id= "node8" class= "node" >
<title > Node8</title>
<g id= "a_node8" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a2d65de2c86c7015d7ca400dfca0f25dc" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function printMessageScore Responsible for printing the score messages." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "74,-114.5 74,-133.5 175,-133.5 175,-114.5 74,-114.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "124.5" y= "-121.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > printMessageScore</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node8 -->
<g id= "edge7" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node8</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M38.03,-155.38C51.78,-150.33 71.15,-143.22 87.98,-137.04" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "89.35,-140.27 97.53,-133.53 86.94,-133.69 89.35,-140.27" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node9 -->
<g id= "node9" class= "node" >
<title > Node9</title>
<g id= "a_node9" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a5c84d83e31ca6a320b6ea8081402686a" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function printPositioning Responsible for printing messages for positioning boats on the board; of pl..." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "83,-76.5 83,-95.5 166,-95.5 166,-76.5 83,-76.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "124.5" y= "-83.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > printPositioning</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node9 -->
<g id= "edge8" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node9</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M27,-152.26C36.42,-139.78 54.28,-118.19 74,-105 76.88,-103.07 79.98,-101.3 83.18,-99.68" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "84.69,-102.84 92.34,-95.52 81.79,-96.47 84.69,-102.84" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node10 -->
<g id= "node10" class= "node" >
<title > Node10</title>
<g id= "a_node10" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#ad527fa96e729742a231c4535e112526a" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function printsTray Responsible for printing the visual board for the user." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "94.5,-38.5 94.5,-57.5 154.5,-57.5 154.5,-38.5 94.5,-38.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "124.5" y= "-45.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > printsTray</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node10 -->
<g id= "edge10" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node10</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M22.96,-152.5C29.3,-133.62 45.95,-91.12 74,-67 77.3,-64.16 81.06,-61.73 85.01,-59.64" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "86.76,-62.69 94.43,-55.38 83.88,-56.31 86.76,-62.69" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node12 -->
<g id= "node12" class= "node" >
<title > Node12</title>
<g id= "a_node12" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a23e98ed36ca08c1b4bb86c86f48f6e70" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function shoot Responsible for saying if he hit a boat." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "104,-0.5 104,-19.5 145,-19.5 145,-0.5 104,-0.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "124.5" y= "-7.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > shoot</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node1->Node12 -->
<g id= "edge12" class= "edge" >
<title > Node1- > Node12</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M21.29,-152.17C24.97,-127.92 37.71,-64.6 74,-29 79.51,-23.59 86.73,-19.69 93.93,-16.88" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "95.2,-20.15 103.6,-13.7 93.01,-13.51 95.2,-20.15" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node5 -->
<g id= "node5" class= "node" >
<title > Node5</title>
<g id= "a_node5" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a4a5686c91f144d07eff1c6576303962d" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function validatePosition Responsible for checking if the position can receive the boat." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "224,-228.5 224,-247.5 310,-247.5 310,-228.5 224,-228.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "267" y= "-235.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > validatePosition</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node4->Node5 -->
<g id= "edge4" class= "edge" >
<title > Node4- > Node5</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M160.23,-238C176.4,-238 195.99,-238 213.89,-238" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "213.91,-241.5 223.91,-238 213.91,-234.5 213.91,-241.5" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node4->Node6 -->
<g id= "edge5" class= "edge" >
<title > Node4- > Node6</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M160.23,-228.61C178.58,-223.64 201.32,-217.49 221.01,-212.17" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "221.95,-215.54 230.69,-209.55 220.13,-208.78 221.95,-215.54" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node9->Node7 -->
<g id= "edge9" class= "edge" >
<title > Node9- > Node7</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M160.95,-95.59C179.09,-100.49 201.37,-106.52 220.73,-111.76" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "219.99,-115.18 230.56,-114.41 221.82,-108.42 219.99,-115.18" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node11 -->
<g id= "node11" class= "node" >
<title > Node11</title>
<g id= "a_node11" > <a xlink:href= "../../db/de2/naval__battle_8c.html#a3889e1ee574e03ffdde8804180d57543" target= "_top" xlink:title= "Function printTable Responsible for printing the board." >
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<polygon fill= "white" stroke= "black" points= "237.5,-38.5 237.5,-57.5 296.5,-57.5 296.5,-38.5 237.5,-38.5" />
<text text-anchor= "middle" x= "267" y= "-45.5" font-family= "Helvetica,sans-Serif" font-size= "10.00" > printTable</text>
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00
<!-- Node10->Node11 -->
<g id= "edge11" class= "edge" >
<title > Node10- > Node11</title>
2021-12-10 01:57:52 +08:00
<path fill= "none" stroke= "midnightblue" d= "M154.61,-48C175.66,-48 204.32,-48 227.3,-48" />
<polygon fill= "midnightblue" stroke= "midnightblue" points= "227.41,-51.5 237.41,-48 227.41,-44.5 227.41,-51.5" />
2021-02-19 14:17:22 +08:00