Algorithms_in_C  1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 client.cClient side implementation of Server-Client system
 server.cServer side implementation of Server-Client system
 udp_client.cClient side implementation of UDP client-server model
 udp_server.cServer side implementation of UDP client-server model
 c_atoi_str_to_integer.cRecoding the original atoi function in stdlib.h
 decimal_to_binary_recursion.cConvert decimal to binary using recursion algorithm
 int_to_string.cConvert a positive integer to string (non-standard function) representation
 geometry_datatypes.hGeneric header that provides data types for 3D vectors and quaternions
 quaternions.cFunctions related to 3D quaternions and Euler angles
 vectors_3d.cFunctions related to 3D vector operations
 spirograph.cImplementation of Spirograph
 hash_adler32.c32-bit Adler hash algorithm
 hash_crc32.c32-bit CRC hash algorithm
 hash_djb2.cDJB2 hash algorithm
 hash_sdbm.cSDBM hash algorithm
 hash_xor8.c8-bit XOR hash algorithm for ASCII characters
 adaline_learning.cAdaptive Linear Neuron (ADALINE) implementation
 k_means_clustering.cK Means Clustering Algorithm implemented
 kohonen_som_topology.cKohonen self organizing map (topological map)
 kohonen_som_trace.cKohonen self organizing map (data tracing)
 cantor_set.cProgram to generate Cantor ternary set
 cartesian_to_polar.cFunction to convert a Cartesian co-ordinate to polar form
 collatz.cImplementation of Collatz' conjecture
 factorial_large_number.cCompute factorial of arbitrarily large numbers by storing individual digits in a byte
 fibonacci_fast.cCompute \(m^{mth}\) Fibonacci number using the formulae:
 palindrome.cProgram to identify if a number is palindrome number or not
 poly_add.cImplementation of Addition of two polynomials
 prime.cProgram to identify if a number is prime number or not
 strong_number.cStrong number is a number whose sum of all digits’ factorial is equal to the number n For example: 145 = 1!(1) + 4!(24) + 5!(120)
 sudoku_solver.cSudoku Solver using recursive implementation of brute-force algorithm
 union_find.cUnion find algorithm
 durand_kerner_roots.cCompute all possible approximate roots of any given polynomial using Durand Kerner algorithm
 lu_decompose.cLU decomposition of a square matrix
 newton_raphson_root.cFind approximate solution for \(f(x) = 0\) using Newton-Raphson interpolation algorithm
 ode_forward_euler.cSolve a multivariable first order ordinary differential equation (ODEs) using forward Euler method
 ode_midpoint_euler.cSolve a multivariable first order ordinary differential equation (ODEs) using midpoint Euler method
 ode_semi_implicit_euler.cSolve a multivariable first order ordinary differential equation (ODEs) using semi implicit Euler method
 qr_decompose.hLibrary functions to compute QR decomposition of a given matrix
 qr_decomposition.cProgram to compute the QR decomposition of a given matrix
 qr_eigen_values.cCompute real eigen values and eigen vectors of a symmetric matrix using QR decomposition method
 realtime_stats.cCompute statistics for data entered in rreal-time
 binary_search.cProgram to perform binary search of a target value in a given sorted array
 jump_search.cImplementation of jump search algorithm
 modified_binary_search.cModified binary search algorithm
 bead_sort.cSorting of array list using bead sort
 bubble_sort.cBubble sort algorithm implementation
 bubble_sort_recursion.cBubble sort algorithm implementation using recursion
 insertion_sort.cInsertion sort algorithm implementation
 merge_sort.cImplementation of merge sort algorithm
 selection_sort.cSelection sort algorithm implementation
 shell_sort2.cShell sort algorithm implementation