Algorithms_in_C 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C.
Files | |
file | cantor_set.c |
Program to generate Cantor ternary set | |
file | cartesian_to_polar.c |
Function to convert a Cartesian co-ordinate to polar form. | |
file | collatz.c |
Implementation of Collatz' conjecture | |
file | euclidean_algorithm_extended.c |
Program to perform the extended Euclidean algorithm | |
file | factorial_large_number.c |
Compute factorial of arbitrarily large numbers by storing individual digits in a byte. | |
file | fibonacci.c |
Program to print the nth term of the Fibonacci series. | |
file | fibonacci_fast.c |
Compute \(m^{mth}\) Fibonacci number using the formulae: | |
file | fibonacci_formula.c |
Finding Fibonacci number of any n number using [Binet's closed form formula]('s_formula) compute \(f_{nth}\) Fibonacci number using the binet's formula: Fn = 1√5 * (1+√5 / 2)^n+1 − 1√5 * (1−√5 / 2)^n+1. | |
file | palindrome.c |
Program to identify if a number is palindrome number or not. | |
file | prime.c |
Program to identify if a number is prime number or not. | |
file | prime_sieve.c |
Prime Sieve algorithm implementation. | |
file | strong_number.c |
Strong number is a number whose sum of all digits’ factorial is equal to the number n For example: 145 = 1!(1) + 4!(24) + 5!(120) | |