Set of algorithms implemented in C.
C_big_int | Store arbitratily large integer values as a linked list of digits |
C_cantor_set | Structure to define Cantor set |
C_large_num | Dynamically large number |
Cadaline | Structure to hold adaline model parameters |
CAVLnode | |
CBSTIterator | Definition for a binary tree node |
CCArray | |
Ccluster | |
Cdata | |
CDict | |
Cdual_quat_ | Dual quaternion type |
Cdynamic_array | |
CEdge | |
Celem | |
Ceuler_ | 3D Euler or Tait-Bryan angles (in radian) |
CGraph | |
CGraphRep | |
Chash_set_t | |
Ckohonen_array_3d | To store info regarding 3D arrays |
CL | |
Cmat_3x3_ | A 3x3 Matrix type definition |
Cmax_heap | |
Cmin_heap | |
CNode | Node, the basic data structure of the tree |
Cnode | Node, the basic data structure in the tree |
Cobservation | |
Cpid | PID Controller |
Cquaternion_ | Quaternion type represented using a scalar \(w\) or \(q_0\) and a 3D vector \(\left(q_1,q_2,q_3\right)\) |
Cqueue | |
CQueueRep | |
CStack | |
Csubset | |
Csudoku | Structure to hold the matrix and dimensions |
CT | |
Ctnode | |
CTrieNode | |
Cvec_3d_ | 3D vector type |
Cword_count_word |