//program for stack using array #include void push(); void pop(); void peek(); void update(); int a[100], top = -1; int main() { int x; while (1) { printf("\n0.exit"); printf("\n1.push"); printf("\n2.pop"); printf("\n3.peek"); printf("\n4.update"); printf("\nenter your choice? "); scanf("%d", &x); switch (x) { case 0: return 0; case 1: push(); break; case 2: pop(); break; case 3: peek(); break; case 4: update(); break; default: printf("\ninvalid choice"); } } return (0); } //function for pushing the element void push() { int n = 0; printf("\nenter the value to insert? "); scanf("%d", &n); top += 1; a[top] = n; } //function for poping the element out void pop() { if (top == -1) { printf("\nstack is empty"); } else { int item; item = a[top]; top -= 1; printf("\npoped item is %d ", item); } } //function for peeping the element from top of the stack void peek() { if (top >= 0) printf("\n the top element is %d", a[top]); else printf("\nstack is empty"); } //function to update the element of stack void update() { int i, n; printf("\nenter the position to update? "); scanf("%d", &i); printf("\nenter the item to insert? "); scanf("%d", &n); if (top - i + 1 < 0) { printf("\nunderflow condition"); } else { a[top - i + 1] = n; } }