Algorithms_in_C 1.0.0
Set of algorithms implemented in C.
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misc Directory Reference


file  cantor_set.c
 Program to generate Cantor ternary set
file  cartesian_to_polar.c
 Function to convert a Cartesian co-ordinate to polar form.
file  collatz.c
 Implementation of Collatz' conjecture
file  factorial_large_number.c
 Compute factorial of arbitrarily large numbers by storing individual digits in a byte.
file  fibonacci_fast.c
 Compute \(m^{mth}\) Fibonacci number using the formulae:
file  palindrome.c
 Program to identify if a number is palindrome number or not.
file  poly_add.c
 Implementation of [Addition of two polynomials] (
file  postfix_evaluation.c
 Postfix evaluation algorithm implementation
file  prime.c
 Program to identify if a number is prime number or not.
file  prime_seive.c
 Prime Seive algorithm implementation.
file  strong_number.c
 Strong number is a number whose sum of all digits’ factorial is equal to the number n For example: 145 = 1!(1) + 4!(24) + 5!(120)
file  sudoku_solver.c
 Sudoku Solver using recursive implementation of brute-force algorithm.
file  union_find.c
 Union find algorithm.