/** * @file * Compute riots of any given polynomial. * * Test the algorithm online: * https://gist.github.com/kvedala/27f1b0b6502af935f6917673ec43bcd7 * * Try the highly unstable Wilkinson's polynomial: * ``` * ./numerical_methods/durand_kerner_roots.c 1 -210 20615 -1256850 53327946 * -1672280820 40171771630 -756111184500 11310276995381 -135585182899530 * 1307535010540395 -10142299865511450 63030812099294896 -311333643161390640 * 1206647803780373360 -3599979517947607200 8037811822645051776 * -12870931245150988800 13803759753640704000 -8752948036761600000 * 2432902008176640000 * ``` */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define ACCURACY 1e-10 /**< maximum accuracy limit */ /** * Evaluate the value of a polynomial with given coefficients * \param[in] coeffs coefficients of the polynomial * \param[in] degree degree of polynomial * \param[in] x point at which to evaluate the polynomial * \returns \f$f(x)\f$ **/ long double complex poly_function(double *coeffs, unsigned int degree, long double complex x) { long double complex out = 0.; unsigned int n; for (n = 0; n < degree; n++) out += coeffs[n] * cpow(x, degree - n - 1); return out; } /** * create a textual form of complex number * \param[in] x point at which to evaluate the polynomial * \returns pointer to converted string */ const char *complex_str(long double complex x) { static char msg[50]; double r = creal(x); double c = cimag(x); sprintf(msg, "% 7.04g%+7.04gj", r, c); return msg; } /** * check for termination condition * \param[in] delta point at which to evaluate the polynomial * \returns 0 if termination not reached * \returns 1 if termination reached */ char check_termination(long double delta) { static long double past_delta = INFINITY; if (fabsl(past_delta - delta) <= ACCURACY || delta < ACCURACY) return 1; past_delta = delta; return 0; } /*** * the comandline inputs are taken as coeffiecients of a polynomial **/ int main(int argc, char **argv) { double *coeffs = NULL; long double complex *s0 = NULL; unsigned int degree = 0; unsigned int n, i; if (argc < 2) { printf("Please pass the coefficients of the polynomial as commandline " "arguments.\n"); return 0; } degree = argc - 1; /* detected polynomial degree */ coeffs = (double *)malloc( degree * sizeof(double)); /* store all input coefficients */ s0 = (long double complex *)malloc( (degree - 1) * sizeof(long double complex)); /* number of roots = degree-1 */ /* initialize random seed: */ srand(time(NULL)); if (!coeffs || !s0) { perror("Unable to allocate memory!"); if (coeffs) free(coeffs); if (s0) free(s0); return EXIT_FAILURE; } #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) /** * store intermediate values to a CSV file **/ FILE *log_file = fopen("durand_kerner.log.csv", "wt"); if (!log_file) { perror("Unable to create a storage log file!"); free(coeffs); free(s0); return EXIT_FAILURE; } fprintf(log_file, "iter#,"); #endif printf("Computing the roots for:\n\t"); for (n = 0; n < degree; n++) { coeffs[n] = strtod(argv[n + 1], NULL); if (n < degree - 1 && coeffs[n] != 0) printf("(%g) x^%d + ", coeffs[n], degree - n - 1); else if (coeffs[n] != 0) printf("(%g) x^%d = 0\n", coeffs[n], degree - n - 1); double tmp; if (n > 0) coeffs[n] /= tmp; /* numerical errors less when the first coefficient is "1" */ else { tmp = coeffs[0]; coeffs[0] = 1; } /* initialize root approximations with random values */ if (n < degree - 1) { s0[n] = (long double)rand() + (long double)rand() * I; #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) fprintf(log_file, "root_%d,", n); #endif } } #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) fprintf(log_file, "avg. correction"); fprintf(log_file, "\n0,"); for (n = 0; n < degree - 1; n++) fprintf(log_file, "%s,", complex_str(s0[n])); #endif double tol_condition = 1; unsigned long iter = 0; clock_t end_time, start_time = clock(); while (!check_termination(tol_condition) && iter < INT_MAX) { long double complex delta = 0; tol_condition = 0; iter++; #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) fprintf(log_file, "\n%ld,", iter); #endif for (n = 0; n < degree - 1; n++) { long double complex numerator = poly_function(coeffs, degree, s0[n]); long double complex denominator = 1.0; for (i = 0; i < degree - 1; i++) if (i != n) denominator *= s0[n] - s0[i]; delta = numerator / denominator; if (isnan(cabsl(delta)) || isinf(cabsl(delta))) { printf("\n\nOverflow/underrun error - got value = %Lg", cabsl(delta)); goto end; } s0[n] -= delta; tol_condition = fmaxl(tol_condition, fabsl(cabsl(delta))); #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) fprintf(log_file, "%s,", complex_str(s0[n])); #endif } // tol_condition /= (degree - 1); #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) if (iter % 500 == 0) { printf("Iter: %lu\t", iter); for (n = 0; n < degree - 1; n++) printf("\t%s", complex_str(s0[n])); printf("\t\tabsolute average change: %.4g\n", tol_condition); } fprintf(log_file, "%.4g", tol_condition); #endif } end: end_time = clock(); #if defined(DEBUG) || !defined(NDEBUG) fclose(log_file); #endif printf("\nIterations: %lu\n", iter); for (n = 0; n < degree - 1; n++) printf("\t%s\n", complex_str(s0[n])); printf("absolute average change: %.4g\n", tol_condition); printf("Time taken: %.4g sec\n", (end_time - start_time) / (double)CLOCKS_PER_SEC); free(coeffs); free(s0); return 0; }