#include #include typedef struct min_heap { int *p; int size; int count; } Heap; Heap *create_heap(Heap *heap); /*Creates a min_heap structure and returns a pointer to the struct*/ void down_heapify(Heap *heap, int index); /*Pushes an element downwards in the heap to find its correct position*/ void up_heapify(Heap *heap, int index); /*Pushes an element upwards in the heap to find its correct position*/ void push(Heap *heap, int x); /*Inserts an element in the heap*/ void pop(Heap *heap); /*Removes the top element from the heap*/ int top(Heap *heap); /*Returns the top element of the heap or returns INT_MIN if heap is empty*/ int empty(Heap *heap); /*Checks if heap is empty*/ int size(Heap *heap); /*Returns the size of heap*/ int main() { Heap *head = create_heap(head); push(head, 10); printf("Pushing element : 10\n"); push(head, 3); printf("Pushing element : 3\n"); push(head, 2); printf("Pushing element : 2\n"); push(head, 8); printf("Pushing element : 8\n"); printf("Top element = %d \n", top(head)); push(head, 1); printf("Pushing element : 1\n"); push(head, 7); printf("Pushing element : 7\n"); printf("Top element = %d \n", top(head)); pop(head); printf("Popping an element.\n"); printf("Top element = %d \n", top(head)); pop(head); printf("Popping an element.\n"); printf("Top element = %d \n", top(head)); printf("\n"); return 0; } Heap *create_heap(Heap *heap) { heap = (Heap *)malloc(sizeof(Heap)); heap->size = 1; heap->p = (int *)malloc(heap->size * sizeof(int)); heap->count = 0; return heap; } void down_heapify(Heap *heap, int index) { if (index >= heap->count) return; int left = index * 2 + 1; int right = index * 2 + 2; int leftflag = 0, rightflag = 0; int minimum = *((heap->p) + index); if (left < heap->count && minimum > *((heap->p) + left)) { minimum = *((heap->p) + left); leftflag = 1; } if (right < heap->count && minimum > *((heap->p) + right)) { minimum = *((heap->p) + right); leftflag = 0; rightflag = 1; } if (leftflag) { *((heap->p) + left) = *((heap->p) + index); *((heap->p) + index) = minimum; down_heapify(heap, left); } if (rightflag) { *((heap->p) + right) = *((heap->p) + index); *((heap->p) + index) = minimum; down_heapify(heap, right); } } void up_heapify(Heap *heap, int index) { int parent = (index - 1) / 2; if (parent < 0) return; if (*((heap->p) + index) < *((heap->p) + parent)) { int temp = *((heap->p) + index); *((heap->p) + index) = *((heap->p) + parent); *((heap->p) + parent) = temp; up_heapify(heap, parent); } } void push(Heap *heap, int x) { if (heap->count >= heap->size) return; *((heap->p) + heap->count) = x; heap->count++; if (4 * heap->count >= 3 * heap->size) { heap->size *= 2; (heap->p) = (int *)realloc((heap->p), (heap->size) * sizeof(int)); } up_heapify(heap, heap->count - 1); } void pop(Heap *heap) { if (heap->count == 0) return; heap->count--; int temp = *((heap->p) + heap->count); *((heap->p) + heap->count) = *(heap->p); *(heap->p) = temp; down_heapify(heap, 0); if (4 * heap->count <= heap->size) { heap->size /= 2; (heap->p) = (int *)realloc((heap->p), (heap->size) * sizeof(int)); } } int top(Heap *heap) { if (heap->count != 0) return *(heap->p); else return INT_MIN; } int empty(Heap *heap) { if (heap->count != 0) return 0; else return 1; } int size(Heap *heap) { return heap->count; }