#include "list.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define L List_T /* Initial list */ L List_init(void) { L list; list = (L)malloc(sizeof(L)); list->next = NULL; return list; } /* Push an element into top of the list */ L List_push(L list, void *val) { L new_elem = (L)malloc(sizeof(L)); new_elem->val = val; new_elem->next = list; return new_elem; } /* Length of list */ int List_length(L list) { int n; for (n = 0; list; list = list->next) n++; return n - 1; } /* Convert list to array */ void **List_toArray(L list) { int i, n = List_length(list) + 1; void **array = (void **)malloc((n + 1) * sizeof(*array)); for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { array[i] = list->val; list = list->next; } array[i] = NULL; return array; } /* Create and return a list */ L List_list(L list, void *val, ...) { va_list ap; L *p = &list; va_start(ap, val); for (; val; val = va_arg(ap, void *)) { *p = malloc(sizeof(L)); (*p)->val = val; p = &(*p)->next; } *p = NULL; va_end(ap); return list; } /* Append 2 lists together */ L List_append(L list, L tail) { L *p = &list; while ((*p)->next) { p = &(*p)->next; } *p = tail; return list; }