/** * Kyler Smith, 2017 * Stack data structure implementation. */ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //INCLUDES #include #include //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MACROS: CONSTANTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //DATA STRUCTURES struct node { int data; struct node* next; struct node* pre; } *head, *tmp; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //GLOBAL VARIABLES int count = 0; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //FUNCTION PROTOTYPES void create(); void push(int x); int pop(); int peek(); int size(); int isEmpty(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //MAIN ENTRY POINT int main(int argc, char const *argv[]) { int x, y, z; create(); push(4); x = pop(); // 4. Count: 0. Empty: 1. printf("%d.\t\tCount: %d.\tEmpty: %d.\n", x, size(), isEmpty()); push(1); push(2); push(3); x = pop(); y = pop(); // 3, 2. Count: 1. Empty: 0; printf("%d, %d.\t\tCount: %d.\tEmpty: %d.\n", x, y, size(), isEmpty()); pop(); // Empty the stack. push(5); push(6); x = peek(); push(7); y = pop(); push(8); z = pop(); // 1, 6, 7, 8. Count: 2. Empty: 0. printf("%d, %d, %d.\tCount: %d.\tEmpty: %d.\n", x, y, z, size(), isEmpty()); return 0; } /** * Initialize the stack to NULL. */ void create() { head = NULL; } /** * Push data onto the stack. */ void push(int x) { if(head == NULL) { head = (struct node *)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct node)); head->next = NULL; head->pre = NULL; head->data = x; } else { tmp = (struct node *)malloc(1 * sizeof(struct node)); tmp->data = x; tmp->next = NULL; tmp->pre = head; head = tmp; } ++count; } /** * Pop data from the stack */ int pop() { int returnData; if(head == NULL) { printf("ERROR: Pop from empty stack.\n"); exit(1); } else { returnData = head->data; if(head->pre == NULL) head = NULL; else { head = head->pre; free(head->next); } } --count; return returnData; } int peek() { if(head != NULL) return head->data; else { printf("ERROR: Peeking from empty stack."); exit(1); } } int size() { return count; } int isEmpty() { if(count == 0) return 1; return 0; }