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Project Euler Problem 135: https://projecteuler.net/problem=135
Given the positive integers, x, y, and z,
are consecutive terms of an arithmetic progression,
the least value of the positive integer, n,
for which the equation,
x2 y2 z2 = n, has exactly two solutions is n = 27:
342 272 202 = 122 92 62 = 27
It turns out that n = 1155 is the least value
which has exactly ten solutions.
How many values of n less than one million
have exactly ten distinct solutions?
Taking x,y,z of the form a+d,a,a-d respectively,
the given equation reduces to a*(4d-a)=n.
Calculating no of solutions for every n till 1 million by fixing a
,and n must be multiple of a.
Total no of steps=n*(1/1+1/2+1/3+1/4..+1/n)
,so roughly O(nlogn) time complexity.
def solution(limit: int = 1000000) -> int:
returns the values of n less than or equal to the limit
have exactly ten distinct solutions.
>>> solution(100)
>>> solution(10000)
>>> solution(50050)
limit = limit + 1
frequency = [0] * limit
for first_term in range(1, limit):
for n in range(first_term, limit, first_term):
common_difference = first_term + n / first_term
if common_difference % 4: # d must be divisble by 4
common_difference /= 4
if (
first_term > common_difference
and first_term < 4 * common_difference
): # since x,y,z are positive integers
frequency[n] += 1 # so z>0 and a>d ,also 4d<a
count = sum(1 for x in frequency[1:limit] if x == 10)
return count
if __name__ == "__main__":
print(f"{solution() = }")