2020-05-22 14:10:11 +08:00
from collections import deque
2021-08-12 04:48:53 +08:00
def _input(message):
return input(message).strip().split(" ")
def initialize_unweighted_directed_graph(
node_count: int, edge_count: int
) -> dict[int, list[int]]:
graph: dict[int, list[int]] = {}
for i in range(node_count):
graph[i + 1] = []
for e in range(edge_count):
2021-09-07 19:37:03 +08:00
x, y = (int(i) for i in _input(f"Edge {e + 1}: <node1> <node2> "))
2021-08-12 04:48:53 +08:00
return graph
def initialize_unweighted_undirected_graph(
node_count: int, edge_count: int
) -> dict[int, list[int]]:
graph: dict[int, list[int]] = {}
for i in range(node_count):
graph[i + 1] = []
for e in range(edge_count):
2021-09-07 19:37:03 +08:00
x, y = (int(i) for i in _input(f"Edge {e + 1}: <node1> <node2> "))
2021-08-12 04:48:53 +08:00
return graph
def initialize_weighted_undirected_graph(
node_count: int, edge_count: int
) -> dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]]:
graph: dict[int, list[tuple[int, int]]] = {}
for i in range(node_count):
graph[i + 1] = []
for e in range(edge_count):
2021-09-07 19:37:03 +08:00
x, y, w = (int(i) for i in _input(f"Edge {e + 1}: <node1> <node2> <weight> "))
2021-08-12 04:48:53 +08:00
graph[x].append((y, w))
graph[y].append((x, w))
return graph
2019-07-17 12:07:25 +08:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
2021-09-07 19:37:03 +08:00
n, m = (int(i) for i in _input("Number of nodes and edges: "))
2021-08-12 04:48:53 +08:00
graph_choice = int(
"Press 1 or 2 or 3 \n"
"1. Unweighted directed \n"
"2. Unweighted undirected \n"
"3. Weighted undirected \n"
g = {
1: initialize_unweighted_directed_graph,
2: initialize_unweighted_undirected_graph,
3: initialize_weighted_undirected_graph,
}[graph_choice](n, m)
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
Depth First Search.
Args : G - Dictionary of edges
s - Starting Node
Vars : vis - Set of visited nodes
S - Traversal Stack
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
def dfs(g, s):
vis, _s = {s}, [s]
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
while _s:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
flag = 0
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
for i in g[_s[-1]]:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
if i not in vis:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
flag = 1
if not flag:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
Breadth First Search.
Args : G - Dictionary of edges
s - Starting Node
Vars : vis - Set of visited nodes
2020-01-18 20:24:33 +08:00
Q - Traversal Stack
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
def bfs(g, s):
vis, q = {s}, deque([s])
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
while q:
u = q.popleft()
for v in g[u]:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
if v not in vis:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
Dijkstra's shortest path Algorithm
Args : G - Dictionary of edges
s - Starting Node
Vars : dist - Dictionary storing shortest distance from s to every other node
known - Set of knows nodes
path - Preceding node in path
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
def dijk(g, s):
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
dist, known, path = {s: 0}, set(), {s: 0}
while True:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
if len(known) == len(g) - 1:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
mini = 100000
for i in dist:
if i not in known and dist[i] < mini:
mini = dist[i]
u = i
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
for v in g[u]:
2023-03-02 00:23:33 +08:00
if v[0] not in known and dist[u] + v[1] < dist.get(v[0], 100000):
dist[v[0]] = dist[u] + v[1]
path[v[0]] = u
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
for i in dist:
if i != s:
Topological Sort
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
def topo(g, ind=None, q=None):
if q is None:
q = [1]
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
if ind is None:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
ind = [0] * (len(g) + 1) # SInce oth Index is ignored
for u in g:
for v in g[u]:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
ind[v] += 1
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
q = deque()
for i in g:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
if ind[i] == 0:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
if len(q) == 0:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
v = q.popleft()
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
for w in g[v]:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
ind[w] -= 1
if ind[w] == 0:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
topo(g, ind, q)
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
Reading an Adjacency matrix
def adjm():
2019-08-19 21:37:49 +08:00
n = input().strip()
2019-07-17 12:07:25 +08:00
a = []
2022-10-14 00:03:06 +08:00
for _ in range(n):
2019-08-19 21:37:49 +08:00
a.append(map(int, input().strip().split()))
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
return a, n
Floyd Warshall's algorithm
Args : G - Dictionary of edges
s - Starting Node
Vars : dist - Dictionary storing shortest distance from s to every other node
known - Set of knows nodes
path - Preceding node in path
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
def floy(a_and_n):
(a, n) = a_and_n
dist = list(a)
2019-08-19 21:37:49 +08:00
path = [[0] * n for i in range(n)]
for k in range(n):
for i in range(n):
for j in range(n):
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
if dist[i][j] > dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]:
dist[i][j] = dist[i][k] + dist[k][j]
path[i][k] = k
Prim's MST Algorithm
Args : G - Dictionary of edges
s - Starting Node
Vars : dist - Dictionary storing shortest distance from s to nearest node
known - Set of knows nodes
path - Preceding node in path
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
def prim(g, s):
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
dist, known, path = {s: 0}, set(), {s: 0}
while True:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
if len(known) == len(g) - 1:
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
mini = 100000
for i in dist:
if i not in known and dist[i] < mini:
mini = dist[i]
u = i
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
for v in g[u]:
2023-03-02 00:23:33 +08:00
if v[0] not in known and v[1] < dist.get(v[0], 100000):
dist[v[0]] = v[1]
path[v[0]] = u
2020-07-13 11:47:13 +08:00
return dist
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
Accepting Edge list
Vars : n - Number of nodes
m - Number of edges
Returns : l - Edge list
n - Number of Nodes
def edglist():
2019-08-19 21:37:49 +08:00
n, m = map(int, input().split(" "))
2020-05-22 14:10:11 +08:00
edges = []
2022-10-14 00:03:06 +08:00
for _ in range(m):
2020-05-22 14:10:11 +08:00
edges.append(map(int, input().split(" ")))
return edges, n
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
Kruskal's MST Algorithm
Args : E - Edge list
n - Number of Nodes
Vars : s - Set of all nodes as unique disjoint sets (initially)
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
def krusk(e_and_n):
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
# Sort edges on the basis of distance
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
(e, n) = e_and_n
e.sort(reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[2])
2020-01-03 22:25:36 +08:00
s = [{i} for i in range(1, n + 1)]
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
while True:
if len(s) == 1:
2022-10-13 06:54:20 +08:00
x = e.pop()
2019-08-19 21:37:49 +08:00
for i in range(len(s)):
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
if x[0] in s[i]:
2019-08-19 21:37:49 +08:00
for j in range(len(s)):
2018-10-19 20:48:28 +08:00
if x[1] in s[j]:
if i == j:
2018-10-31 18:44:30 +08:00
# find the isolated node in the graph
def find_isolated_nodes(graph):
isolated = []
for node in graph:
if not graph[node]:
return isolated