From 3242682473c58aebb1b8083443603487ea507589 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jasper <> Date: Fri, 20 Dec 2019 18:23:15 -0500 Subject: [PATCH] Create (#1636) * added roman to integer conversion (LeetCode No. 13) * updated directory to include Roman to Integer * Delete * Update Co-authored-by: Christian Clauss --- | 550 -------------------------------- conversions/ | 27 ++ 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 550 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 create mode 100644 conversions/ diff --git a/ b/ deleted file mode 100644 index 468fe6529..000000000 --- a/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,550 +0,0 @@ - -## Arithmetic Analysis - * [Bisection]( - * [Gaussian Elimination]( - * [In Static Equilibrium]( - * [Intersection]( - * [Lu Decomposition]( - * [Newton Forward Interpolation]( - * [Newton Method]( - * [Newton Raphson Method]( - * [Secant Method]( - -## Backtracking - * [All Combinations]( - * [All Permutations]( - * [All Subsequences]( - * [Minimax]( - * [N Queens]( - * [Sudoku]( - * [Sum Of Subsets]( - -## Blockchain - * [Chinese Remainder Theorem]( - * [Diophantine Equation]( - * [Modular Division]( - -## Boolean Algebra - * [Quine Mc Cluskey]( - -## Ciphers - * [Affine Cipher]( - * [Atbash]( - * [Base16]( - * [Base32]( - * [Base64 Cipher]( - * [Base85]( - * [Brute Force Caesar Cipher]( - * [Caesar Cipher]( - * [Cryptomath Module]( - * [Deterministic Miller Rabin]( - * [Diffie]( - * [Elgamal Key Generator]( - * [Hill Cipher]( - * [Mixed Keyword Cypher]( - * [Morse Code Implementation]( - * [Onepad Cipher]( - * [Playfair Cipher]( - * [Porta Cipher]( - * [Rabin Miller]( - * [Rot13]( - * [Rsa Cipher]( - * [Rsa Factorization]( - * [Rsa Key Generator]( - * [Shuffled Shift Cipher]( - * [Simple Keyword Cypher]( - * [Simple Substitution Cipher]( - * [Trafid Cipher]( - * [Transposition Cipher]( - * [Transposition Cipher Encrypt Decrypt File]( - * [Vigenere Cipher]( - * [Xor Cipher]( - -## Compression - * [Burrows Wheeler]( - * [Huffman]( - * [Peak Signal To Noise Ratio]( - -## Conversions - * [Decimal To Binary]( - * [Decimal To Hexadecimal]( - * [Decimal To Octal]( - -## Data Structures - * Binary Tree - * [Avl Tree]( - * [Basic Binary Tree]( - * [Binary Search Tree]( - * [Fenwick Tree]( - * [Lazy Segment Tree]( - * [Lca]( - * [Non Recursive Segment Tree]( - * [Red Black Tree]( - * [Segment Tree]( - * [Treap]( - * Data Structures - * Heap - * [Heap Generic]( - * Disjoint Set - * [Disjoint Set]( - * Hashing - * [Double Hash]( - * [Hash Table]( - * [Hash Table With Linked List]( - * Number Theory - * [Prime Numbers]( - * [Quadratic Probing]( - * Heap - * [Binomial Heap]( - * [Heap]( - * [Min Heap]( - * Linked List - * [Circular Linked List]( - * [Doubly Linked List]( - * [From Sequence]( - * [Is Palindrome]( - * [Print Reverse]( - * [Singly Linked List]( - * [Swap Nodes]( - * Queue - * [Circular Queue]( - * [Double Ended Queue]( - * [Linked Queue]( - * [Queue On List]( - * [Queue On Pseudo Stack]( - * Stacks - * [Balanced Parentheses]( - * [Infix To Postfix Conversion]( - * [Infix To Prefix Conversion]( - * [Linked Stack]( - * [Next Greater Element]( - * [Postfix Evaluation]( - * [Stack]( - * [Stock Span Problem]( - * Trie - * [Trie]( - -## Digital Image Processing - * [Change Contrast]( - * Edge Detection - * [Canny]( - * Filters - * [Convolve]( - * [Gaussian Filter]( - * [Median Filter]( - * [Sobel Filter]( - * [Index Calculation]( - * Rotation - * [Rotation]( - * [Test Digital Image Processing]( - -## Divide And Conquer - * [Closest Pair Of Points]( - * [Convex Hull]( - * [Inversions]( - * [Max Subarray Sum]( - * [Mergesort]( - -## Dynamic Programming - * [Abbreviation]( - * [Bitmask]( - * [Climbing Stairs]( - * [Coin Change]( - * [Edit Distance]( - * [Factorial]( - * [Fast Fibonacci]( - * [Fibonacci]( - * [Floyd Warshall]( - * [Fractional Knapsack]( - * [Fractional Knapsack 2]( - * [Integer Partition]( - * [K Means Clustering Tensorflow]( - * [Knapsack]( - * [Longest Common Subsequence]( - * [Longest Increasing Subsequence]( - * [Longest Increasing Subsequence O(Nlogn)]( - * [Longest Sub Array]( - * [Matrix Chain Order]( - * [Max Sub Array]( - * [Max Sum Contigous Subsequence]( - * [Minimum Partition]( - * [Rod Cutting]( - * [Subset Generation]( - * [Sum Of Subset]( - -## File Transfer - * [Recieve File]( - * [Send File]( - -## Fuzzy Logic - * [Fuzzy Operations]( - -## Graphs - * [A Star]( - * [Articulation Points]( - * [Basic Graphs]( - * [Bellman Ford]( - * [Bfs]( - * [Bfs Shortest Path]( - * [Breadth First Search]( - * [Check Bipartite Graph Bfs]( - * [Check Bipartite Graph Dfs]( - * [Depth First Search]( - * [Dfs]( - * [Dijkstra]( - * [Dijkstra 2]( - * [Dijkstra Algorithm]( - * [Dinic]( - * [Directed And Undirected (Weighted) Graph]( - * [Edmonds Karp Multiple Source And Sink]( - * [Eulerian Path And Circuit For Undirected Graph]( - * [Even Tree]( - * [Finding Bridges]( - * [G Topological Sort]( - * [Graph List]( - * [Graph Matrix]( - * [Graphs Floyd Warshall]( - * [Kahns Algorithm Long]( - * [Kahns Algorithm Topo]( - * [Minimum Spanning Tree Kruskal]( - * [Minimum Spanning Tree Prims]( - * [Multi Hueristic Astar]( - * [Page Rank]( - * [Prim]( - * [Scc Kosaraju]( - * [Tarjans Scc]( - -## Hashes - * [Chaos Machine]( - * [Enigma Machine]( - * [Hamming Code]( - * [Md5]( - * [Sha1]( - -## Linear Algebra - * Src - * [Lib]( - * [Polynom-For-Points]( - * [Test Linear Algebra]( - -## Machine Learning - * [Decision Tree]( - * [Gradient Descent]( - * [K Means Clust]( - * [K Nearest Neighbours]( - * [Knn Sklearn]( - * [Linear Discriminant Analysis]( - * [Linear Regression]( - * [Logistic Regression]( - * [Multilayer Perceptron Classifier]( - * [Polymonial Regression]( - * [Scoring Functions]( - * [Sequential Minimum Optimization]( - * [Support Vector Machines]( - -## Maths - * [3N+1]( - * [Abs]( - * [Abs Max]( - * [Abs Min]( - * [Average Mean]( - * [Average Median]( - * [Average Mode]( - * [Basic Maths]( - * [Binary Exponentiation]( - * [Binomial Coefficient]( - * [Ceil]( - * [Collatz Sequence]( - * [Eulers Totient]( - * [Explicit Euler]( - * [Extended Euclidean Algorithm]( - * [Factorial Python]( - * [Factorial Recursive]( - * [Factors]( - * [Fermat Little Theorem]( - * [Fibonacci]( - * [Fibonacci Sequence Recursion]( - * [Find Max]( - * [Find Max Recursion]( - * [Find Min]( - * [Find Min Recursion]( - * [Floor]( - * [Gaussian]( - * [Greatest Common Divisor]( - * [Hardy Ramanujanalgo]( - * [Is Square Free]( - * [Jaccard Similarity]( - * [Karatsuba]( - * [Kth Lexicographic Permutation]( - * [Largest Of Very Large Numbers]( - * [Least Common Multiple]( - * [Lucas Lehmer Primality Test]( - * [Lucas Series]( - * [Matrix Exponentiation]( - * [Mobius Function]( - * [Modular Exponential]( - * [Newton Raphson]( - * [Perfect Square]( - * [Polynomial Evaluation]( - * [Prime Check]( - * [Prime Factors]( - * [Prime Numbers]( - * [Prime Sieve Eratosthenes]( - * [Pythagoras]( - * [Qr Decomposition]( - * [Quadratic Equations Complex Numbers]( - * [Radix2 Fft]( - * [Runge Kutta]( - * [Segmented Sieve]( - * [Sieve Of Eratosthenes]( - * [Simpson Rule]( - * [Softmax]( - * [Sum Of Arithmetic Series]( - * [Test Prime Check]( - * [Trapezoidal Rule]( - * [Volume]( - * [Zellers Congruence]( - -## Matrix - * [Matrix Class]( - * [Matrix Operation]( - * [Nth Fibonacci Using Matrix Exponentiation]( - * [Rotate Matrix]( - * [Searching In Sorted Matrix]( - * [Sherman Morrison]( - * [Spiral Print]( - * Tests - * [Test Matrix Operation]( - -## Networking Flow - * [Ford Fulkerson]( - * [Minimum Cut]( - -## Neural Network - * [Back Propagation Neural Network]( - * [Convolution Neural Network]( - * [Gan]( - * [Input Data]( - * [Perceptron]( - -## Other - * [Activity Selection]( - * [Anagrams]( - * [Autocomplete Using Trie]( - * [Binary Exponentiation]( - * [Binary Exponentiation 2]( - * [Detecting English Programmatically]( - * [Euclidean Gcd]( - * [Fischer Yates Shuffle]( - * [Frequency Finder]( - * [Game Of Life]( - * [Greedy]( - * [Largest Subarray Sum]( - * [Least Recently Used]( - * [Linear Congruential Generator]( - * [Magicdiamondpattern]( - * [Nested Brackets]( - * [Palindrome]( - * [Password Generator]( - * [Primelib]( - * [Sdes]( - * [Sierpinski Triangle]( - * [Tower Of Hanoi]( - * [Two Sum]( - * [Word Patterns]( - -## Project Euler - * Problem 01 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * [Sol4]( - * [Sol5]( - * [Sol6]( - * [Sol7]( - * Problem 02 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * [Sol4]( - * [Sol5]( - * Problem 03 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * Problem 04 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * Problem 05 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * Problem 06 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * [Sol4]( - * Problem 07 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * Problem 08 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * Problem 09 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * Problem 10 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * Problem 11 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * Problem 12 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * Problem 13 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 14 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * Problem 15 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 16 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * Problem 17 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 18 - * [Solution]( - * Problem 19 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 20 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * [Sol4]( - * Problem 21 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 22 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * Problem 23 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 234 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 24 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 25 - * [Sol1]( - * [Sol2]( - * [Sol3]( - * Problem 27 - * [Problem 27 Sol1]( - * Problem 28 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 29 - * [Solution]( - * Problem 31 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 32 - * [Sol32]( - * Problem 33 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 36 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 40 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 42 - * [Solution42]( - * Problem 48 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 52 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 53 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 551 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 56 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 67 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 76 - * [Sol1]( - * Problem 99 - * [Sol1]( - -## Searches - * [Binary Search]( - * [Fibonacci Search]( - * [Interpolation Search]( - * [Jump Search]( - * [Linear Search]( - * [Quick Select]( - * [Sentinel Linear Search]( - * [Simple-Binary-Search]( - * [Tabu Search]( - * [Ternary Search]( - -## Sorts - * [Bitonic Sort]( - * [Bogo Sort]( - * [Bubble Sort]( - * [Bucket Sort]( - * [Cocktail Shaker Sort]( - * [Comb Sort]( - * [Counting Sort]( - * [Cycle Sort]( - * [Double Sort]( - * [External Sort]( - * [Gnome Sort]( - * [Heap Sort]( - * [I Sort]( - * [Insertion Sort]( - * [Merge Sort]( - * [Odd Even Transposition Parallel]( - * [Odd Even Transposition Single Threaded]( - * [Pancake Sort]( - * [Pigeon Sort]( - * [Pigeonhole Sort]( - * [Quick Sort]( - * [Quick Sort 3 Partition]( - * [Radix Sort]( - * [Random Normal Distribution Quicksort]( - * [Random Pivot Quick Sort]( - * [Recursive-Quick-Sort]( - * [Selection Sort]( - * [Shell Sort]( - * [Stooge Sort]( - * [Tim Sort]( - * [Topological Sort]( - * [Tree Sort]( - * [Unknown Sort]( - * [Wiggle Sort]( - -## Strings - * [Aho-Corasick]( - * [Boyer Moore Search]( - * [Check Panagram]( - * [Knuth Morris Pratt]( - * [Levenshtein Distance]( - * [Manacher]( - * [Min Cost String Conversion]( - * [Naive String Search]( - * [Rabin Karp]( - * [Remove Duplicate]( - * [Reverse Words]( - * [Word Occurence]( - -## Traversals - * [Binary Tree Traversals]( - -## Web Programming - * [Crawl Google Results]( - * [Current Stock Price]( - * [Fetch Bbc News]( - * [Fetch Github Info]( - * [Get Imdbtop]( - * [Slack Message]( diff --git a/conversions/ b/conversions/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..ce52b6fb7 --- /dev/null +++ b/conversions/ @@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ +def roman_to_int(roman: str) -> int: + """ + LeetCode No. 13 Roman to Integer + Given a roman numeral, convert it to an integer. + Input is guaranteed to be within the range from 1 to 3999. + + >>> tests = {"III": 3, "CLIV": 154, "MIX": 1009, "MMD": 2500, "MMMCMXCIX": 3999} + >>> all(roman_to_int(key) == value for key, value in tests.items()) + True + """ + vals = {"I": 1, "V": 5, "X": 10, "L": 50, "C": 100, "D": 500, "M": 1000} + total = 0 + place = 0 + while place < len(roman): + if (place + 1 < len(roman)) and (vals[roman[place]] < vals[roman[place + 1]]): + total += vals[roman[place + 1]] - vals[roman[place]] + place += 2 + else: + total += vals[roman[place]] + place += 1 + return total + + +if __name__ == "__main__": + import doctest + + doctest.testmod()