This commit is contained in:
SilverDragonOfR 2023-10-10 02:08:40 +05:30
commit 6064787fd5
2 changed files with 163 additions and 2 deletions

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@ -54,13 +54,12 @@
* [Largest Pow Of Two Le Num](bit_manipulation/
* [Missing Number](bit_manipulation/
* [Numbers Different Signs](bit_manipulation/
* [Power Of 4](bit_manipulation/
* [Reverse Bits](bit_manipulation/
* [Single Bit Manipulation Operations](bit_manipulation/
## Blockchain
* [Chinese Remainder Theorem](blockchain/
* [Diophantine Equation](blockchain/
* [Modular Division](blockchain/
## Boolean Algebra
* [And Gate](boolean_algebra/
@ -101,11 +100,13 @@
* [Diffie Hellman](ciphers/
* [Elgamal Key Generator](ciphers/
* [Enigma Machine2](ciphers/
* [Fractionated Morse Cipher](ciphers/
* [Hill Cipher](ciphers/
* [Mixed Keyword Cypher](ciphers/
* [Mono Alphabetic Ciphers](ciphers/
* [Morse Code](ciphers/
* [Onepad Cipher](ciphers/
* [Permutation Cipher](ciphers/
* [Playfair Cipher](ciphers/
* [Polybius](ciphers/
* [Porta Cipher](ciphers/
@ -172,6 +173,7 @@
## Data Structures
* Arrays
* [Equilibrium Index In Array](data_structures/arrays/
* [Median Two Array](data_structures/arrays/
* [Permutations](data_structures/arrays/
* [Prefix Sum](data_structures/arrays/
@ -352,6 +354,7 @@
* [Smith Waterman](dynamic_programming/
* [Subset Generation](dynamic_programming/
* [Sum Of Subset](dynamic_programming/
* [Trapped Water](dynamic_programming/
* [Tribonacci](dynamic_programming/
* [Viterbi](dynamic_programming/
* [Word Break](dynamic_programming/
@ -360,6 +363,7 @@
* [Apparent Power](electronics/
* [Builtin Voltage](electronics/
* [Carrier Concentration](electronics/
* [Charging Capacitor](electronics/
* [Circular Convolution](electronics/
* [Coulombs Law](electronics/
* [Electric Conductivity](electronics/
@ -466,6 +470,8 @@
* [Test Min Spanning Tree Prim](graphs/tests/
## Greedy Methods
* [Best Time To Buy And Sell Stock](greedy_methods/
* [Fractional Cover Problem](greedy_methods/
* [Fractional Knapsack](greedy_methods/
* [Fractional Knapsack 2](greedy_methods/
* [Gas Station](greedy_methods/
@ -524,6 +530,10 @@
* Local Weighted Learning
* [Local Weighted Learning](machine_learning/local_weighted_learning/
* [Logistic Regression](machine_learning/
* Loss Functions
* [Binary Cross Entropy](machine_learning/loss_functions/
* [Huber Loss](machine_learning/loss_functions/
* [Mean Squared Error](machine_learning/loss_functions/
* [Mfcc](machine_learning/
* [Multilayer Perceptron Classifier](machine_learning/
* [Polynomial Regression](machine_learning/
@ -565,6 +575,7 @@
* [Catalan Number](maths/
* [Ceil](maths/
* [Check Polygon](maths/
* [Chinese Remainder Theorem](maths/
* [Chudnovsky Algorithm](maths/
* [Collatz Sequence](maths/
* [Combinations](maths/
@ -591,6 +602,7 @@
* [Gaussian](maths/
* [Gaussian Error Linear Unit](maths/
* [Gcd Of N Numbers](maths/
* [Germain Primes](maths/
* [Greatest Common Divisor](maths/
* [Greedy Coin Change](maths/
* [Hamming Numbers](maths/
@ -619,6 +631,7 @@
* [Max Sum Sliding Window](maths/
* [Median Of Two Arrays](maths/
* [Mobius Function](maths/
* [Modular Division](maths/
* [Modular Exponential](maths/
* [Monte Carlo](maths/
* [Monte Carlo Dice](maths/
@ -720,12 +733,16 @@
## Neural Network
* [2 Hidden Layers Neural Network](neural_network/
* Activation Functions
* [Binary Step](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Exponential Linear Unit](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Leaky Rectified Linear Unit](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Mish](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Rectified Linear Unit](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Scaled Exponential Linear Unit](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Sigmoid Linear Unit](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Soboleva Modified Hyperbolic Tangent](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Softplus](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Squareplus](neural_network/activation_functions/
* [Back Propagation Neural Network](neural_network/
* [Convolution Neural Network](neural_network/
* [Perceptron](neural_network/
@ -1101,6 +1118,7 @@
* [Interpolation Search](searches/
* [Jump Search](searches/
* [Linear Search](searches/
* [Median Of Medians](searches/
* [Quick Select](searches/
* [Sentinel Linear Search](searches/
* [Simple Binary Search](searches/
@ -1201,6 +1219,7 @@
* [Snake Case To Camel Pascal Case](strings/
* [Split](strings/
* [String Switch Case](strings/
* [Strip](strings/
* [Text Justification](strings/
* [Top K Frequent Words](strings/
* [Upper](strings/

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@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
The permutation cipher, also called the transposition cipher, is a simple encryption
technique that rearranges the characters in a message based on a secret key. It
divides the message into blocks and applies a permutation to the characters within
each block according to the key. The key is a sequence of unique integers that
determine the order of character rearrangement.
For more info:
import random
def generate_valid_block_size(message_length: int) -> int:
Generate a valid block size that is a factor of the message length.
message_length (int): The length of the message.
int: A valid block size.
>>> random.seed(1)
>>> generate_valid_block_size(12)
block_sizes = [
for block_size in range(2, message_length + 1)
if message_length % block_size == 0
return random.choice(block_sizes)
def generate_permutation_key(block_size: int) -> list[int]:
Generate a random permutation key of a specified block size.
block_size (int): The size of each permutation block.
list[int]: A list containing a random permutation of digits.
>>> random.seed(0)
>>> generate_permutation_key(4)
[2, 0, 1, 3]
digits = list(range(block_size))
return digits
def encrypt(
message: str, key: list[int] | None = None, block_size: int | None = None
) -> tuple[str, list[int]]:
Encrypt a message using a permutation cipher with block rearrangement using a key.
message (str): The plaintext message to be encrypted.
key (list[int]): The permutation key for decryption.
block_size (int): The size of each permutation block.
tuple: A tuple containing the encrypted message and the encryption key.
>>> encrypted_message, key = encrypt("HELLO WORLD")
>>> decrypted_message = decrypt(encrypted_message, key)
>>> decrypted_message
message = message.upper()
message_length = len(message)
if key is None or block_size is None:
block_size = generate_valid_block_size(message_length)
key = generate_permutation_key(block_size)
encrypted_message = ""
for i in range(0, message_length, block_size):
block = message[i : i + block_size]
rearranged_block = [block[digit] for digit in key]
encrypted_message += "".join(rearranged_block)
return encrypted_message, key
def decrypt(encrypted_message: str, key: list[int]) -> str:
Decrypt an encrypted message using a permutation cipher with block rearrangement.
encrypted_message (str): The encrypted message.
key (list[int]): The permutation key for decryption.
str: The decrypted plaintext message.
>>> encrypted_message, key = encrypt("HELLO WORLD")
>>> decrypted_message = decrypt(encrypted_message, key)
>>> decrypted_message
key_length = len(key)
decrypted_message = ""
for i in range(0, len(encrypted_message), key_length):
block = encrypted_message[i : i + key_length]
original_block = [""] * key_length
for j, digit in enumerate(key):
original_block[digit] = block[j]
decrypted_message += "".join(original_block)
return decrypted_message
def main() -> None:
Driver function to pass message to get encrypted, then decrypted.
>>> main()
Decrypted message: HELLO WORLD
message = "HELLO WORLD"
encrypted_message, key = encrypt(message)
decrypted_message = decrypt(encrypted_message, key)
print(f"Decrypted message: {decrypted_message}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest